Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We're going on vacation soon! We're headed to Washington to spend one glorious week at Anderson Island - and I can't hardly wait!

This week is finals week - and I had a math final, a writing final (which was a 6 page essay) and a physiology lab ALL DUE on MONDAY - needless to say last weekend sucked. Big Time. & when Monday was over, I was happy - and now....I have one last finals on FRIDAY! Friday? Really? How annoying. I wish I could have just taken it on Tuesday to get it over with....

Anyways, with no school today I had a fabulous day - I spent the morning with two girl friends we went for a drive, ended up at beautiful benham falls and went for a little walk. It was just so nice to get outside, and be with some wonderful women. This afternoon I meet a friend for sushi, and now I'm on my way to the pool! What a great day!

One thing I really miss since starting school is reading. For enjoyment. All my spare time that I used to spend reading for enjoyment is now spent doing homework, or reading for school. Lame & lame.

Over Christmas break I read Donald Miller's new book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.

Now, over spring break I have two books I want to read : Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne and Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I am really really excited to sit at the Island House and read these books!

Isn't it funny the things we get excited about? I used to hate reading for fun, but my girls in Philly helped change me! Now I can't wait for a week off to read. I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

I highly highly recommend Donald Miller's book - ALL of them really - but A Million Miles in a Thousand Years is A-MAZING. Life changing really. I'll let you know what I think about these two, but they come highly recommended!

Today I'm just thankful for a great day off, and two new books to read during my week off!


Sarah Sanderson said...

Love this post and love that you are reading!! I have heard that those books are awesome, I want to read them too. I just finished "Same kind of different as me" and I recommend it, it was really good. Congrats on the semester done and have an awesome break - you deserve it!

Unknown said...

We went to Disneyland for Spring Break. We tried and tried and tried and tried to invite you, but......
